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Our vision is to create a unified Body of Christ for an accelerated advancement of God’s Kingdom. 

Resources within a church are usually if not always stretched thin, pastors and staff are overloaded with work. In addition, not all the expertise is available in every church. By joining our network, you can tap into the strengths of other members and find the help you need! Go to Our Approach to learn more.

We each are called to have an impact in the areas that God has assigned to us. When unified, we can strengthen each other and have an even bigger impact in our communities for His glory.

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"The devil's task is to keep people in the church from linking up to take on their common spiritual goals. As long as he can keep you disunified, he can keep walls torn down and the gates burned up. But, when Christians realize they have a common enemy, all other problems lessen in their significance. We find power in unity".


Dr. Tony Evans Bible Commentary on Nehemiah 3:1

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